

为了继续有资格获得PG电子官方免费下载的经济援助,学生必须做出合理的决定 academic progress towards their degree or certificate.  令人满意的学业进展 is a Department of Education requirement and is measured by a number of factors.



Students must maintain a 平均绩点 (G.P.A.) of 2.00 (C)或更高 有资格获得援助.  At the end of each semester the 财政援助办事处 will assess students’ progress by looking at 年级s. After 年级s are in we will run a report 所有学生.  This is done so that we monitor students who are not on financial aid but may become eligible for financial aid in the future.  如果在 任何 一个学生的学期.P.A. 小于2.00 (C) they will be put on probation.  A student will be granted one probationary semesters before they are suspended.  (If there is semester where a student’s cumulative G.P.A. 低于1.00 (D)财务 援助办公室保留在没有试用期的情况下停学的权利.).

在两年结束时,学生的累积平均成绩应该是一致的 with the Institution’s requirement to graduate.  这个要求是" C "或2.00 平均绩点. Students not having the required “C” average will be reviewed 根据具体情况确定是否有可能毕业以及是否有经济资助 资格应继续.

有可能一些学生可能没有资格获得资助,基于学术 进步,甚至在他们申请之前. (We will look at 完整的 enrollment histories to 无论学生是否申请了经济援助,都要确定其资格 过去的.  There is no academic amnesty for 金融援助 Funding.)

通过/失败类:  A passing 年级 will be counted as a 2.00 (C) GPA for financial aid purposes.


Students may repeat classes to improve their 年级s; however, the class will count 对他们的量化衡量满意的进展,以及对他们的计数 最大时间范围.

财政援助只会支付重复课程两次,如果该课程获得通过 年级.

(将根据上诉审查质量措施政策的例外情况 process under the umbrella 职业判断.  有合法申诉的学生 may be given exceptions 具体情况具体分析.)

恢复:如果学生因未能达到SAP的定性标准而被停学 student must raise his cumulative 平均绩点 to the minimum of 2.00 / C 恢复.



Students are expected to earn 学分 in the classes that they attempt. 如果是学生 fails to pass the classes that they attempt, they will be placed on probation.  A 学生有一个试用期来获得他们已经资助的学分. 财政援助办公室将评估他们获得的学分,以确定他们是否 是否仍应继续获得资助. That evaluation will be based on a minimum completion of a 70 percent per enrollment period.

Credits are earned by passing a class with a “D” 年级 or higher. 如果学生不及格 一个班级,退出一个班级,非正式地退出一个班级,或被给予 an in完整的 in the class, the 学分 will not be earned.

(对于量化衡量,以下等级被认为是未获得的学分: UW非正式退学,W正式退学,I成绩不全,F成绩不及格.) (在不完整的情况下,出于经济资助的目的,课程必须完成 in the semester the money is disbursed.)

全日制学生必须完成 超过一半 of their attempted credit hours in 任何 semester.  少于全日制学生必须 完整的 一半 of their attempted credit hours in 任何 semester.  如果不这样做,你可能会有结果 in suspension without a probationary semester.  如果在 任何 semester of enrollment 学生不符合定量测量/节奏,学生可能会被停学 from aid even though they may not currently qualify.

(将根据上诉审查数量措施政策的例外情况 process under the umbrella 职业判断.  有合法申诉的学生 may be given exceptions 具体情况具体分析.)

接受联邦基金资助的学生是否应该选择退学 一个学期的课程 联邦政府偿还第四章基金 将进行计算,退学学生可能需要偿还一部分 of the federal assistance received back to the Department of Education.

恢复:如果学生因未能达到SAP的定性标准而被停学 学生必须将他的学分提高到70%的完成率才能恢复.


Students may only receive financial aid for a limited time.  申请金融资助的资格 在学生参加了六(6)个全日制学期或获得奖学金后,助学金终止 95学时.  Federal Law prohibits funding over 150 percent of the time that it “normally” takes to 完整的 an Associate’s 学位.  “正常”的时间框架 完整的 an Associate 学位 at 雪的大学 is two years, four (4) semesters, or 63学时.

学生从一种状态到另一种状态,全日制,四分之三时间,一半时间, will be calculated on a yearly average.


有些学生可能需要补习课程来达到最低要求 为毕业.  Those remedial courses are counted in the 150 percent / 95 attempted 小时为最大时间框架.


那些改变专业或项目的学生可能需要额外的时间来完成必修课程.  雪的大学 has established some provisions to those circumstances.

As 雪的大学 is a two year transfer school, most courses are general education 课程或选修课程. Elective courses are generally prerequisites for a particular 重点或专业. Therefore, if a student 改变s from the first 程序 of study into a new 程序 of study, the maximum allowed 学分 for the new 程序 will be re-evaluated 具体情况具体分析. Depending on the student’s required coursework, 一个新的时间框架可能会建立在新要求的核心课程的基础上 程序.  The 最大时间范围 for a new 程序 should not exceed 150% of the 学分 新项目需要. This will allow some repetition of courses to meet 年级 转学项目要求.

例子: 查尔斯是一名工程预科学生,已经在PG电子官方免费下载学习了5个学期.  查尔斯每学期完成16个学分,并参加了通用电气的混合课程 每学期的选修课,他的大部分选修课都在 前期核心. Charles has decided he would like to go into business and would like to get an Associates of Science 业务 学位.  因为查尔斯从来没有 任何 electives in the business area he will need to take the core coursework.  自 Charles has 80 credit hours he has almost used his 最大时间范围.  查尔斯现在 must 完整的 35 credit hours of business core to receive his degree.  我们会给予 查尔斯最多要再修44个学分才能完成他的课程,总共要修124个学分 PG电子官方免费下载学时.

请注意, 佩尔助学金立法的变化只允许个人学习12个全日制学期 联邦佩尔助学金. Once they have receive their maximum grant they will no longer be eligible for Pell regardless if you earned your degree or not.

(所有获得学位的学分将被计算在内,包括同时入学 高中时取得的学分.)

(政策的例外情况将根据该框架下的上诉程序进行审查 职业判断.  有合法申诉的学生 may be given exceptions 具体情况具体分析.)

PG电子官方免费下载有以下内容 副学士学位课程:

  • 应用科学副学士
  • 理商副学士
  • 文学副学士
  • 理学副学士
  • 工程预科副学士

PG电子官方免费下载的一名学生希望获得额外的理学副学士学位 is limited to the above listed degrees.  Once a student has a degree at 雪的大学 他们最关心的是一个重大的变化,而不是一个学位 改变.  There are not significant 改变s in a degree other than the core coursework, 如果要更改学位,我们会建议在已经获得的学位上增加课程 and would review that request 具体情况具体分析.

Practical Nursing Certificate Programs

课程长度将根据所需的先决条件和核心课程计算 for the practical nursing certificate. Some courses may have been satisfied through 之前的考勤.  Students that are looking to 完整的 a Registered Nursing 程序 may be required to take chemistry, pathophysiology and a more rigorous math. 它是 四年制转学学校推荐他们完成理科副学士学位 学位. Those additional classes will be reviewed 具体情况具体分析.  核心类 33学时,前提条件是33-34学时取决于学生在哪 得C.N.A. 许可.

PG电子官方免费下载有以下内容 学士学位课程:

  • 商业音乐学士
  • 计算机工程学士

参加学士课程的学生将获得190学时,直到 they reach their 最大时间范围.  Any additions or modifications will need an appeal to the 雪的大学 财政援助办事处.


想要获得学位或其他资格的学生可以转到PG电子官方免费下载 凭证. Students transferring will be looked at on a case-by-case-basis, as there 获得学位的住宿要求是什么,通常是20个学时的雪学院 学分.  金融援助 will review a student’s 最大时间范围 based on their 度计划.


因为PG电子官方免费下载的主要目标是提供副学士学位和证书 Programs, we will rarely if ever allow the pursuit of a second degree.  一个例外 到此政策是允许已获得结业证书的学生 及/或应用科学副学士学位,以取得科学或艺术副学士学位 在其他学科中.  A student who has an Associate 学位 can pursue a Bachelor 学位 if accepted into the 程序.


学生有权利上诉,当他们不符合任何满意的学术 进步的组件. When a student is suspended because they have not met the Qualitative 标准/等级,数量标准/进度,或最长时间框架 请求恢复他们的援助. Appeals should have legitimacy, something of an unusual 环境因素,一些学生无法控制的因素,一些阻碍学生的因素 from meeting one or all of the requirements of Satisfactory Progress.

学生可以填写申诉表格,附上所有证明文件并返回 寄到助学金窗口或寄到PG电子官方免费下载助学金办公室.

如果上诉被批准,学生将被告知该学生的任何责任 has to do to continue their financial aid funding.
